Change of ownership certificate is a document indicating that vehicles ownership has been transferred from the previous owner to the current owner. The offender is liable to pay the sum of N5,000:00 for violation.
Learner's Permit
Learners Permit is issued to candidate who intends to learn driving for duration of 3 months to enable them practice and pass through the learning process. Note that a leaner must always have a qualified Driver with Current Drivers Licensed before he is allowed by law to ply the public Roads and High ways.
Vehicle License
Vehicle License is one the important vehicle particulars renewable every year and is one of the motor vehicle related taxation expected to be paid by every motorist on annual basis. It is an offence to drive without a valid and current Vehicle Lincence the offender is liable to pay a fine of N2,000:00 if found driving with expired vehicle License.
Proof of Ownership Certificate
This certificate is issued at the point of registration of any new vehicle to indicate that the person is the Original Owner of the Vehicle. The offender is liable to pay the sum of N5,000:00 for violating to have a valid Proof of Ownership Certificate. However, vehicles already registered before the issuance of proof of ownership can do so.
Hackney/Stage Carriage Permit
Is one of the motor vehicle related taxation payable by all commercial (vehicle) motorists. It is an offence for a commercial motorist to drive without a valid and current Hackney permit. The offender if arrested is liable to pay a fine of N1000:00
Road Worthiness Certificate
Is one of the motor vehicle related taxation payable by all private and commercial (vehicle) motorists. It is an offence for a motorist to drive without a valid and current Road Worthiness Certificate. The offender if arrested is liable to pay a fine of N1000:00.
It is however renewable on presentation of vehicle for physical inspection.